Nicholai Khan - "Art is Everything to Me"

We are thrilled to have Nicholai Khan exhibit some of his magical art work in BKG. For those of you who have never heard of Nicholai Khan, you are in...
Craig Farrelly

Black Artstory ARtwalk - Myrtle Avenue Brooklyn

Myrtle Avenue's Black Artstory Month officially kicked off this past Sunday, February 1st with an Avenue-wide Artwalk featuring the work of over 25 local artists. Please stop by the Brewklyn Grind (557 Myrtle Avenue) to check...

Drawings Along Myrtle. October 4th-25th

Drawings Along Myrtle is a collaborative project between Pratt Institute’s Fine Arts and Foundation department with the Myrtle Avenue Revitalization Project (MARP), featuring works from alumni, students and members of the local...
Craig Farrelly

The Die Line keeps it real while we keep it fresh.

The Die Line, a popular packaging design blog, picked up our bags as one of the top designs for the week. We're glad they find it as fresh as we...
Craig Farrelly

Bringing the beans to life

Brewklyn Grind and, Brooklyn native, Joe Loli have teamed up to create the first designs in a series of art infused coffee packaging. Working with the bag as a canvas,...
Craig Farrelly
Tagged: Art News Packaging